If you’re a PolyNome Premium user you can share QR codes for Presets or Playlists uploaded to PolyNome.net.

Quick Sharing Presets/Playlists with a QR code (valid for 30 days)

  • Select the Preset(s) or Playlist(s) you want to share and tap the Share button (in the Presets Library or Playlist Manager)
  • Choose “Upload to PolyNome.net”
  • Choose “Quick Share”
  • The link or QR code will be valid for 30 days

Permanent Sharing via QR code

To make something permanently available you need to upload it to the Public Library.

  • Select the Preset(s) or Playlist(s) you want to share and tap the Share button (in the Presets Library or Playlist Manager)
  • Choose “Upload to PolyNome.net”
  • Choose “Add To Public Library”
  • Create a post on the Public Libray and submit it.
  • When you return to PolyNome you’ll see the QR code for the file you just uploaded.

NOTE: If you don’t complete the Public Library submission, the QR code will only be valid for a few days.

Creating your own QR code for any link

  • Go to Preferences->Generate QR Code