This is a recording of the first Facebook live Q&A stream. It covers using PolyNome to schedule and track practice sessions, play the exercises, and set goals.

I forgot to mention in the video how I use PolyNome to track things that don’t require a metronome. For example, I have presets called things like “Piano Practice – Blues in C”, and “General Free Playing”. I’ve muted the volume for those presets and I’ve set the tempo to 2bpm (so they don’t mess with my tempo stats). I then use those to track the time spent on those tasks. I might use the timer function if I want to play, say 20 mins on a certain exercise, or I might just hit stop when I’ve had enough.

You can also manually add practice events if PolyNome wasn’t running. Just make sure you have the Preset or Playlist item that you want to add an event for loaded, then enter the Practice Log and swipe to the screen on the right and click the + to add an event.


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