Re-sizeable Playlist Notes Viewer

When viewing the Playlist you can tap the “Eye Button” to view notes associated with the currently selected item. You can use the notes field to remind you about song structure, or a fill to play, or the lyrics for the song.

There’s now a “resize” button in the bottom right of the notes display that appears when you press the “Eye Button”.

Pressing the resize button will expand the notes so you can see more.

Pressing it a second time will turn on AutoResize. In this mode the notes will expand when PolyNome is playing so you can read everything in there. They’ll shrink again when PolyNome stops so you can see the other items in the Playlist.

eye button resize

Font Size Selector in Notes

There’s also a new font size selector in the Eye Notes display.

Tapping it brings up a slider which allows you to change the font size for the current notes size (large or small). There’s also an override switch which allows you to apply the font size just to the selected item.

Using this you can customise the notes size for each item in your playlist easily.